*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


well if one looks at one's stats on diaryland, it seems like im wasting my time typing here. but then i know who looks at this. the folk that have little icons at the bottom of the page. and some that don't . if you aren't there yet, never fear (logos), it just means i ran out of time the last time i was at work. which was two sundays ago. also, i haven't put in an entry since then, which must be some kind of pappazon record. any way. im thinking of joining paypal so that i can send freuds-fave a dollar. what the hay.

also, i just bought a used copy of Purple America by Rich Moody on Amazon.com. yeah. it all started when i went to a show with thurston moore and stephin merrit and some other groups, and the music sets alternated with readings of fiction. Well, I liked Rich moody's reading, so i got the book now.

thurston moore and stephin merrit had rather drab nights themselves.

before that was the whole week of hell in which i recovered from a headbutt to the face, and made a few visits to BelleVue Hospital.

The stitches came out yesterday. I just got back from the bathroom, and i think i may actually be disfigured for life. My lip looks like its going to jut out and down a bit on the left. THis sucks! arrrrgh.

well, i hope people are doing well out there.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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