*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


jismo jones. its december. i'm in the city with a thousand names. the radio is talking about nsnyc and lsat, mcat kaplan and .com, and z100 jinga-ball 2001, casey counts em down top40 newcomer who made it into the top ten on her first try, heres Michelle Graham, with ...

and i got a message that you were ok and doodie in eugene. so your living in a treehouse or what? how's your bike? Love? are you ready for winter, and for cold snow and/or ice? do you feel yourself getting older, is it depressing? Well enough questions, you're not alone, and neither is michelle graham. time is passing and you left this strange message on my phone which i only half understand but it seems to convey a sense of you doing well and being good over all... or at least well off and not complaining. don't call me today, cuz my phone is full of messages, and i never go home to erase them any more. and the plants are dying. but in the good news, im at the studio front working all the time painting watercolors on paper, and the plants in the studio are doing well. so is the cat i have. her name i s baby. its a nice name i think, sort of intuitive and i was just looking for something to call my baby. this was before kelli burst into my life and filled it with happiness. we spend all our time to gether. the girl at work is singing all of the songs on the countdown, right along, and she's only 21, and she's latino, and i think that young latino kids think that white people don't know how to get down, and that more specifically we don't have a sense of how to enjoy things, specifically music. This is so untrue though because i love music more than all, it is in my soul, and flows through me, so i am so sensitive to it and especially commercial stuff can be like a host of rats gnawing on my bones.

i hope you are well. i wonder if you are doing tai-chi. and if you are drawing. are you making music? are you thinking about the festival of lights? love diggity. oh-bosies



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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