*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


if your going to be a musician in the big world of music, and you are a star , you find yourself in the following dilemma: what to write songs about (that is, if you write the songs). you could stick to the formula. Enrique Inglesias will just keep on making sappy love songs. "I could be your hero, baby ..." F*CK i hate that song, and that guy. but anyway, whatever you do, don't write songs about how hard it is to be a celebrity, or about the devisiveness of the industry. Don't write songs about how fans chase you down. (well, unless you have the gift to do it tastefully).

We are not interested. It has no bearing on my life, or the general experience of the people.

Good news: Kelli and i are going to get a tree for the living room today, and get a stand, and string popcorn and sit around and get drunk. Well, not the last part, but it should be fun. Yesterday i spent Exorbant amounts of money, as did kelli and ann Stivers, on Ceramics. We went to the annual Demerist pot show. These pots were damn nice. Damn! i got some beautiful things. its so nice to have art in your home for a reasonable price. im converted: a true pot lover.

Kelli and i went there last year, it was our first date. mushy mush mushy...

Next week is open studios. So i've been painting the last coupla weeks in Earnest. Sticking to it. Getting work done. Getting up Early to go Paint. Yeah! This is what it's about. I hope everybody is smiling. See y'all this new years in Malvern.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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