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davidr wrote the following recently:

""Last night (sunday) sixty minutes had a segment on "mamazons" or something. It is supposed to mean "mama's boy" in italiano, but I forget. According to tradition, children are supposed to live with their families until they get married. As the marrying age rises into the late 30s there become more and more "career mamazons" who live at home with little responsibility, a ton of time, and lots of expendable income.

What does this have to do with me? I think I could make a life of this. I wish I was a mamazon, I'd absolutely love it. The reason is I hate work. Period. I try not to complain, because it makes me look bad, but I still hyperventilate when someone says "After you finish sweeping, mop, but first sweep it again." I don't see how I could get bored of saying "Mom, will you wash my clothes while I'm at the club tonight? I need them by ten because I met this really hot girl and we're going out to my beach house... ...yes, I loaned the mountain house to a friend. Oh, and if you get a chance, could you go get me soem more wax for the Viper?" I'd just eat it up. aaaahhh.... (slips into temporary coma from the lucidity of dreams)""

well, this puts a whole new and unexpected spin on this name of mine. a mamazon is a mamma's boy. a pappazon is a ... Pappa's boy? a mamazon avoids work and responsibility, a pappazon reveres work and responsibility? A career pappazon works to afford to live at his own place, with largly invented responsibilities, very little time, and little expendable income. maybe? someone who finds solace in going about, doing work. The Pappazon is always working to satisfy that father's expectation constantly hanging slightly over his back, real or (more probably) imagined.

If a mother is removed, what's to replace the mother, but the male-figure? A hearty pat on the back in place of a hug? (how horrible)

Or if a mother has to take the place of a missing father, and assume the father's role. A woman might overcompensate in her desire to be a manly, tough parent. hmmmm.

All of the sudden this makes so much sense. Or am I talking myself into circles?



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