*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


ooohhh what a long day. woody guthrie is trying to sing. spattering through spinner dot com, which has been interrupting every song and reporting 'net congestion' as the source of the problems.

talking dust bowl blues. very similar (the precursor?) to dylans' world war 3 blues. i think.

my nerves are shot. i stayed up all night at work. im dead as fred. im doing some cosmic breathing and some sun salutations to ease my soul along through the morning, and its helping some, but i just hate the fact that im getting paid to be here, so i have to be 'on'. i nearly fell asleep for a few minutes or so back around 5 am, and then some guy called and woke me to get his password. i couldn't sleep since

last nite's party was fun at melissa lum's. met a whole bunch of people i'll probably never see again. maybe some once ... yesterday i didn't go home, slept in vito's office instead. (shhhh, don't tell vito)

got a hair cut. now that's something! somehow my bank account is admitting that i have more money ($!$) than i did last week, though i didn't deposit anything. what's up with that? and if its true, why were they misleading me all week last week; stressing me out and starving me for days! not that im starving, dear readers... just kind of living ascetically.

there's this add flashing on my computer that is showing a sequence of images: kevin spacey, eminem, buzz lightyear. as if they are all in the same family. well i guess they are. its snowing here



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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