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dear lesotho. lol means laugh out loud.

i really loved your last two entries. the bug picking story was real. No one who did not do that work could have ever written that. you made it cool. everything is like bug picking in a way, isn't it. s' funny, now i just thought of it, Gabriel is working in the bug world as well. maybe you and him should hang out togethether sometime, swap stories. lol.

lol reminds me of a dead man whose head is lolling back. he's limp, not stiff yet. it sounds like somthing stimpy would say, in some of the later, stupider episodes. especially when you add exclamation points and capitalize it. it asserts idiot-dom, in a way. it seems so non-lingual. yet. it is a hefty player in the growing new language the people use, the chats, the net, the interconnected blah blah blah. it is creative still.

i recieved many blessings today. first. --> a bar of soap in the mail from my new starting to become good friend mildgretchen. is soap giving recognized as any ritual in a friendship? or just a hint that maybe i need to scrub more. with water. naah, it was great. i've always wanted handmade things in my life, made by other hands. everyone's hands coming together to hold each other. hands across america. there is something there. poetical, don't ya think. oh, i'm such a cheeseball.

then jacob arrived in New york, oh sorry, i mean off-the-cuff (rats! i blew your cover, diary-boy)and we hung out in a thai place and ate and drank with his brother and old high school friends. interesting tangents? well ok-->

1. jacob (er, o-t-c) and all his friends grew up in the same neighbor hood as my grandparents, my mother, aunts, and uncles. very close to the same high school.

2. last nite i met p.j. for dinner (she has no diaryland name) (*yet*), and we ran into each other on the street, both early. tonite i ran into jake before i was supposed to meet him at the restauraunt, also on the street and early. ps. new york is a big/small city.

blessing # 3. (or maybe tangent #3?) i met a person on diaryland chat here just now, who lives blocks from me, and works at a store i used to frequent. infrequently. she is runt88.

there is work to do, but i'm not doing it. Ha ha! f#$@ you, you corporate slobs! Pokemon is over. Have i mentioned that yet? jeeZ, that deserves an entire entry all to itself, but not now.

Ullyses is not over, tho i'm inching along. logosfiend, oldgreedy (anyone else who's read this book): i have a theory. which may be all too obvious anyway -- the play written part which goes on for 200 pages, is a dream bloom has while he's passed out in the alley, drunk. Anyone care to elucidate? am i being a thunk-headed idiot here? maybe i should just read the cliff notes (sarcasm), or talk to old prof. what'shisname. joyce-lover.

the kids in times square break dancing tonite were the shit. really had some good moves. i could do that.



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