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Some of us resist tradition. even in the object making world, but probably can be imagined in all types of fields, there are the forces of ingenuity, and the concentration of tradition, the development of technique. Creativity may be seen in a biased way, as dwelling in the first camp, but actually, it is fair to say that it envelops both. A craftsperson is making in an equally justified fashion as an idea marketer. The root �create� in that concept, brings to mind creation, in materials as well as in concepts or design that the word �creativity� seems to favor.

Back to the word technique. A technique is a tradition, a tradition has a locality embedded within it. Techniques of printmaking, locksmithing, anything you can imagine, carry with it a specialized imprint of learning from a master, gaining experience while being guided by someone who carries with them years more of experience.
As an artist, to resist learning techniques, seems absurd, almost blasphemous. After all, technique is the base from which to develop one�s practice. How can you be an artist without learning some sort of technique, locking your hitch on to some sort of tradition or another? It seems almost impossible.
Maybe this is the key, that in the larger picture, the artist is trying to attain something that is near impossible, as a way to find a new meaning for (their) art making. There is also the relatively new traditions of anarchism, DIY, and punk aesthetics that developed in the 60�s and 70�s. Consider the Whole Earth Catalog, freeware, things wiki-. These ideas of the individual working independently (off the grid) are not new, and have predecessors with 19th cent. Trancendentalism, and probably lots of other places if I were to consider it. The point is, there is always a tradition, even in the completely rebellious act of ignoring all techniques and pathways. Blazing trails is pointless in a world that is completely paved. We may as individuals be considering our newly found vantage points to be novel or original, but the truth is very similar perspectives have probably been mapped out and reported on.



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