*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


ah, how quaint diaryland's homepage looks after all these years. stickin' to the script, that's what its all about.

sitting here at home with baby the cat after a long day of stuff. said stuff included: finishing up the taxes and sending them in (that's minnesota and virginia, as well as federal) drying the laundry that never got dry last night because of a faulty machine at the 'mat, cleaning and organizing the house. eating chocolate bars from the easter basket my mom sent me. listening to Le Show with Harry Shear as i lay in bed and refused to get up. going to the studio and researching veneer application techniques. Calling veneer makers all across the country. helping a visiting artist, Ann Agee, arrive and unload her work into the student gallery. talking to kelli and planning trips to new york, maui, and Europe with her. making two paintings, one on the wall, (enamel) and one on paper (watercolor). Eat more candy. bike home and have a beer. it was a satisfying day

music: Antony and the Johnsons has been around for years, and i always wanted to go see him perform in newyork when i lived there, he was always doing a weekly cabaret thing in the lower east side. I knew his music, but never had any. i downloaded some from lime wire, and its really good. you should check him out if you haven't already.

what else? rosie O'donnell is pushing this idea about the implausability of WTC 7 falling on the View. here's the youtube long and short of it. the end is the important part. Sorry if i posted this already before. i forget . . .

so yeah, school's great. things are just peachy. just chillin' dude. the first year will be over soon. i spent so many years developing such a respect for grad school, as the thing I would someday do. and it would put me in the position i needed to succeed in life or whatever. well, its almost half way done, and time's just flying by. After this, i won't have any more to learn. Thing is, I don't know what I'm learning now, that I haven't picked up in the last few years on my own.
It's like i'm getting a sampler of theory: foucault, Debord, derrida, so's that I can go look into these people more in depth later on. that and the new smart friends I'm making, and the teachers as connections to write super great letters of reference. besides that, there's not much to it.

does anybody else miss fruedsfave?
or smoocher?
the cat's snoring on my bed. so cute

passion is getting to be hard work, goddamit



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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