*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


I always thought this diary would kind of come back when ever i happened to get my own computer. Well, guess what ladies and gents?

That day has come.

Here I am sitting in front of my very own hot shit apple computer. october 2006. I spent money I don't really have, just a school loan. and yeah, I chose to get not the cheapest, not even the second from the cheapest. Definitely went up a few models for this one. but its cool, i need it for my work, no? and I feel a little overwhelmed by the thing.
It glows in front of my eyes in a way that is discomforting a bit at home, because at home I am not used to this. Its like the combinination of two hitherto previously separated worlds. And its causing a bit of vertigo at the moment.

Baby the cat woke from her slumber and stared wide eyed when it was plugged in and made it first loud "Bruuummm" sound. And now apparently the video cams are just built right into the machine, and really really tiny. Who knew?? not me thats for sure. I also got a cool keyboard, and so hopefully I'll be making some music for the masses, or at least my friends. its not too late, is it? did i get to old in the interim to make music that's any good?
Well. Schools going great, just so you know, I spent all day friday hunting down a letter that the post office just lost. I needed this recommendation letter to be in a package, postmarked by that day, to apply to this big time hoity toity Jacob Javits scholarship. and some how, by hook and by crook, i managed to yell at enough clerks, and give them my sob story along with sad eyes, to get somebody in the VCU mail room to call up his friend in the postal service and call in a 'Favor'.
and then, next thing you know, they had the letter there, waiting for me.
insane amount of stress, let me tell you.
peace for now, much more to come later.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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