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to the editor:

I've got an idea for you. For the past 4 and a half years, there has been one major story that has overtaken the Op-ed pages, radio and tv news broadcasts, one major story with many details that has been cultivated over these years into the great terminus of contemporary news. The horizon line to which all of our newstories points towards is based on the events of September 11. They are the emotional and somewhat rationale underpinning of the wars in Irag, Afghanistan, and now perhaps Iran.
Here's my idea: can we all just take a step back and review the actual events of that day, how it came to be that we have engaged in a neverending war on terror?
Were we really just victims of devious terrorists that day? Groups of unflinching citizens are now coming out under various banners, from varied professions as diplomats, fire engineers, physics professors, all collectively developing a "911 Truth Movement." They declare that we have no idea what happened on that day.
Conspiracy theories, I'm sure, is the phrase that is already in your head. But think for a second, where did that condemning label come from?
Critics of the Bush administration have been using abstract arguments about the possibility of an Orwellian - like administration, of secretive motives for leading the country into war.
I think we are being way too convenient for the administration in these wishy washy statements . . . but I jump ahead.
Stephen E. Jones, an esteemed physics professor at Brigham Young University, states (accurately) that talking about all of the mysteries of the events of 911 is like trying to sip water from a fire hydrant. The evidence that the official story IS the conspiracy theory is overwhelming.
For instance, why did the WTC 7 building, 47 stories tall, fall to the ground, completely within its own footprint around 5 pm that afternoon. Police were told to get the fire department out of that building, as it was known that it was soon to fall. This was impossible to know, fires have never in history brought a skyscraper down.
The original hole in the pentagon, caught on early tape by CNN and Fox news casts (and now available on the internet), was merely 16 feet wide. How could a Boeing 757 fit into that hole? How could there be no visible wreckage, jet turbines, fuselage, wings, or bodies? No burnt ground where the plane was supposed to have hit before tumbling into the pentagon wall as we have been told. In such a plane crash, the grounds would normally have to be detoxed, replacing the jet fuel soaked earth. This never happened.
Videos of the two towers falling demonstrate flashes preceding the crumpling floors, about 30 floors below, all the way down. There are also what appear to be 'squibs', puffs of smoke that exit the building in sequences as one floor is exploded one split second after the next.
The fact that the towers collapsed at near free-fall speed, almost completely within their own footprints, is a feat that prior to 911 has only been accomplished by a few expert demolition companies in the world. It requires skill, precision, and expertese planning.
If you do get curious enough to look up videos of the towers' collapses, watch the (north) tower (second to fal). The top 30 floors above where the plane hit begin to tip and twist, as a tree knotched out by an axe would. This is to be expected, that the tower was hit assymetricaly, would thus fall assymetrically. Then in the next few seconds, the entire chunk of 30 floors stops its spinning, and seems to disappear into fine dust. What force would act that tower to counteract that huge momentum? It is not just me asking these questions, but fire engineers society, scientists such as Stephen Jones, and even . .. the former head of Reagan's Star Wars program.
When we consider that Bush fought against the forming of a 911 commision, and only relented when the victims' family's demanded answers, when we consider that the families that did not accept federal grief money to stay quiet are still demanding answers, when we consider that the Zelikow, head of that commission, has worked deep within the confines of Bush's secretive administration himself, things start to get creepily disconcerting.
I believe the Trade center was brought down by demolition, that the few top ranking members of Bush's administration orchestrated this psychological attack on the American people, and that they have used the events as the 'new pearl harbor' they planned in Project for the New American Century documents.
You can think I'm a fool, but look up the evidence for yourself. Get curious about 911.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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