*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


this moment is sacred. Why replace it? Its a bit like prostitution, theres a line between editing and censoring. For me its very close and thin, so i tread carefully
listening to Bright Eyes with awakened, slightly drunken ears. And its awesome. I feel like music is taking some chances again, and it makes me smile. This is why some people become famous, when they are this on fire. Its devestating. I want to be on fire, like Conor Oberst, or a thousand other people that i can think of, but for some reason i also want to keep dousing out the flames, prolong the agony.
I am happy, i am not happy at the same time. or like the guy in Camus� The Fall . . .happy, not content. (which currently is in my train reading bag).
Its cool if this entry, for instance, ends early, why stick to my trademark page and a half entry. Its funny, like a random assignment of value, i decide my brain stops thinking of things to write at that point, like how radio songs end after 3 minutes and 20 seconds.
Yesterday I made love to my wife, with food. It�s not what you are thinking, perverts: I conceived an incredible meal for K for valentine�s day. I found all of the recipes during my break at work that day online at epicurious.com. I made beet, plum and goat cheese salad for starters. Then we had banana and black bean empanadas for a little appetizer. Then we finished off with Tilapia fishcakes. (Tilapia is her favorite fish). I was gonna make some crepes, but just ran out of time at 11. Then we fell instantly into a deep nice sleep. Happy v. day.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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