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Lamark was a contemporary of Darwin. He was a proponent of a theory that tackled the same questions in biology, but with a different solution. If you remember your science textbooks, he was the guy who said that animals adapted what was necessary to their environment just through effort. Giraffes grew long necks by constantly reaching for leaves that were high up. His ideas were forgotten along the road and Darwin was accepted with his evolution theory. But I like to think that maybe Lamark will be vindicated someday, maybe soon. How off base would it be to say that there is something more than complete randomness at work in deciding our abilities?
I am a person with many guilts, I feel to blame for many of my faults. Also, I like to take credit for my talents. Last night as i went to sleep, I was talking to Kelli, and we discovered that both of us had high voices, relatively. She was reading a study how people with low voices had more sex in their life, with more people. Now, do we have high voices because of some other trait in our lives, some feeling of daintiness? Is our voice subconciously trained to our psyche, so that early on in our life, in critical stages of development, it becomes low or high or whatever?
We are all composed of wavering, quivering particles that scientists now theorize behave sometimes like waves, like energy. Is it not possible that our traits are connected to our sub concious drives? Our needs or desires? Probably not, again, this is probably haberdash. My psychological framework making up its own science. Still, it is something I have thought about for a long time. What can I say, I�m a nerd.
Kelli and I are just getting up, there�s a superbowl party coming down the bend, though there won�t be anybody here but us two participating. I feel a little sick, maybe its time I went and did some Bikram Yoga. Go and sweat out the bad stuff.
I�m hoping the Eagles will win today because I watched them lose for like 10 years when I was growing up.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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