*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


Looking at Minnie Driver�s Golden Globes, hey the eagles and the steelers are in the playoffs, maybe it�ll be a pennsylvania Superbowl all around.
Today was a quiet Sunday. Kelli and I had sushi today in Astoria, the fish was kind of bland, I thought. But it was nice to get out of the house. All month long I have been sleeping in late, and just working on application stuff, and drinking wine and beer. Some how we suddenly have an endless supply of the stuff from holiday parties. The days have been quiet. I�ve talked to precious few people, and had very few original thoughts. Kind of just reacting to everything as it comes along, and taking short walks at the end of every day around a few blocks in the wintry cold suburban queens way. I�m tired, right now, and there�s really no reason to be. Should probably go out and exercise. Yes, that�s true.

Being married�s a little depressing sometimes, knowing you�ve done all the young wild growing and sewin� of wind oats your going to do. But that�s part of accepting reality, i guess. . . being 28 and all. I could have waited longer, but it just didn�t seem right.

Big what up to haha11. in effect.

I watched this thing on tv on Saturday night, tsunami relief concert. It was sad, of course, to see all of the footage, and to think about nearly 200 000 deaths. But on the other hand, the music was great, and sometimes touching, too. There were all of these simple performances in studios in london, ny, and la. And there were no audiences, just a recording setup and simple backdrop. (ok the backdrop was kind of cheesy). It was really striking because there was no advertising influence, no hype, or graphics, or rush to get to the point. It was to me, the potential for how good tv could be. Like an old Smothers brothers show, or something. Good old days. And the performers were coming out of the woodwork. Stevie wonder, who doesn�t do enough, in my opinion, in his old age. Diana Ross. Eric Clapton and Roger Waters. It was impressive. Of course, maybe you saw it too.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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