*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
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Ok the house is fixed up really nice, nicer than it has ever been. Kelli and I have put up a backsplash behind the stove and sink in the kitchen. The tiles are hand made and decorated porcelein. Can anyone say �oh shee-it that�s nice!�
I�m busy beefing up (once again) my portfolio for grad school applications. I�m worried that I�m running out of time, and don�t have enough resources or money for what I want to do. Does anybody have a digital camera out there?
Do some people never want to grow up? Like should I listen to Amy Goodman, respected journalist for �democracy now� who says that the actual voting results in Ohio and all over the country are not nearly as convincing for Bush as they turned out. That they cheated, and cheated big because they knew they had to produce a huge margin of victory in order to keep Kerry�s lawyers at bay. Do you doubt it, dear reader? And why or why not?
Well, I tell you this, from the bottom of my heart. Do not give up hope, do not lose interest and throw up your hands and say its just positively ridic., If we let these bastards ruin this country for another 4 years, were all going to be feeling it.
For the amount that I listen to and read opinionated articles about the bush admin, it seems I just can�t muster the will to be opinionated and convincing myself. Perhaps if you were here, dear reader, sitting next to me, could I talk to you and work the emotion in a balance with the facts and the rationale. But alone at this desk writing about it is silly. It is a subject I am too emotional about, and unsure at the same time.
I will just address the subject really, by saying that you should not trust Any thing, (not nbc, not abc, not cbs, not cnn, not anything); and follow the money. The old tried and true. If you really want to find out something, well, you must may end up with your nose up you rear end. Bent over backwards.
A book, �confessions of an economic hitman� � I have not read it yet, but tell me if you like it when you it.
This is rambling like an Allison Dwyer entry

Mucho amor



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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