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dear diary

its nearly the end of june, can you believe 2k3 is almost over? i am in salt lake at my girlfriend's house. listing shortly what we have done in the past 5 days:

arrived. hung out with becky boren and her sons, kelli's best friend. visited kelli's ailing grandmother who has alzeimers. watched tv. yoga. shopping mall eating burrito and japanese food. playing tennis. picking bouquet's from the back yard. jumping on the trampoline. driving around listening to rem's automatic for the people (one of the best albums ever?!), U2, weezer. hanging out with kellis friends sarah and ryan and their new baby ashney (who knows sign language in place of words) at the great salt lake. floating. air hockey in the basement. playing guitar alone in a room. downloading tablature for new songs like Aimee Mann ('invisible ink') Bob dylan (ill be your baby tonite) and the smiths (stop me if youve heard this one before"). went to the Spiral Jetty, an art installation in the salt lake, that was just beginning to reappear from underneath the water after 10 years. had an emotionally gripping spiritual experience. went to the site of the 1869 Golden spike that finished the first transcontinental railroad. got hit by a tumbleweed. had some snacks from the vending machine. went to a Subway to get changed and wash the salt off and have sandwiches. visited kelli's old undergraduate school, where (almost mystically, as if he were waiting for us, like yoda) an old friend of hers was sitting, still working in the studio. he showed us the humungous kiln he built. went to a cocktail party. met people from north carolina, missouri, washington, oregon. watched a video of a rafting trek through the grand canyon. shopping for shoes (which i didn't get). bought a pair of shorts. went to the wedding of denise and todd. a rainbow appeared as they said their vows on the solstice, in a great canyon amid the eastern rockies where the infamous party of pioneers was said to have perished, starving and cold oh so many years ago. its in the history books, i just can't remember their names. played tennis, singles with kelli, and doubles with her brother and friend. drank at the wedding party. danced the night away to the sounds of tone loc, the double decker bus, and rod stewart. met a friend of kelli's who liked to drink and dance. she spilled red wine on her red leather dress sitting by the campfire and called it a night at 12 am. her name was micky. saw many deer feeding by the road, winding our way back to brigham city and salt lake. listened to the local rock station. talked of and planned our own nuptials, and ceremony. worked out in the workout room. alleviated stress in my back, spine, and neck. made breakfast for kelli's family: french toast, fruit, and eggs. went to pick up the aforementioned becky boren and headed to the saltlake arts festival. parked, waxed friendly with the parking attendent, and submerged ourselves into a frenetic sensual storm of smells and smiles. art booths, music stages, performers, a new library, cool archways, hundreds of portapotties, everygirlandboy in saltlake, all dressed similarly. punks, bellydancers, you name it. peanutbutter and jelly with a free milk to support the art kids. saw the girlfriend keisha of jacob, becky's brother, who had hung himself a week earlier. did not express sentiments (though did earlier to becky). watched zoolander. woke up stiff. the rain prevents our plans for a bike ride. will leave soon, this afternoon.



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