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just waking up from a sundday morning nap at work. nyc ghosts and flowers was flowing out of my personal e drive stereo surround sound speakers, much to perhaps my fellow worker yami's dismay only a few feet sitting from me. five or so. and as she writes her paper for her class on law, she is not listening to her music, that of WKTU, or her cd's. she is listening to My music, and my snores (or at least deep breathing sleeping). ding ding ding dong buzzzsaw of sonic youth grown old now. sonic ripe, sonic soft. gone south.

kelli my dear is teaching a one day retreat in upstate with only one day's notice, and has rushed off on a buss (what a fuss) with a bagpacked full of goodies. bagles, creamchease, fignewtons, juice, water, grapes, etc. etc... to a place that is not her ordinary sunday morning job. she is off, off, on a new adventure, having called the day off to make more money doing something more leasurely anyway. yay!

a pennsylvania post card hovers inches and a foot from my forehead, posted onto my little cubicle office cubby paper organizer, to give me a view of the amish men toiling in their fields, and to remind me of simpler times. and to inspire me to write my play about the amish man who leaves home in order to be come a modern writer. and so he moves to perhaps philadelphia. or new york, or washington, metro area. arena. yami clears her throat. all systems go, all passages cleared out, just about.

i think of days gone past, and days to come, and recent days, and far away days. i think of old friends, till the end, never forget scribbling in our yearbooks, in our heads over the years imprints, styles, modes of designs, of speech, of trends, friends, all that changing as i moved on, and jeez these patterns that emerge. these patterns are me. what makes me up is this dna, winding around my years, not visible to the naked eye, but only to the reflecting head, the compare-er. these patterns of who i choose to be with, where i tend to hang out, what amount of money i tend to spend on what it is that wear, what it is that i feed my head, my apetites. How handsome i look, or not. what i work at. patterns.

aaaaah, that old word comes back for a second bite : Meta - patterns.

patterns of patterns.

a mega quilt, threading, weaving us all together, us all, us all, us all usa usa usa usa! usa! usa! USA! USA! USA!. fists raised. hearts raised. lands razed. and the world and the poor we dance on their backs...

not the amish. they are here, showing us the way. simple. not of this world. (kellis reminded me that that's what the black, straightforward costume was representing)

Dreams at work, sleep in comphy ophice chairs... i had a wonderful change in my breakfast regimin today. instead of the old cheese and egger, i opted for a turkey, mozzarella, and roasted red pepper sandwich with honeymustard spread. Oh and i was warmly surprized to see that this particular deli not only put it on nice, freshly baked italian bread, but that they toasted the whole thing as well, so it was all warm and fuzzy inmy tummy. i was licking my chops, i tell you. and for only 495 cents, which is a good deal for times square.

ps. i work at timessquare, doesn't that make me uber ?

also: i found great links to fun things. this was yesterday, when i was in a netsurfing mood and not a diary-writing mood (re-read: sorting the external vs. sorting the internal, ie: gathering material vs. fashioning shape)

yes so: on with it!

the reverend is a man who is clever. and he went to school about the same time as me, though he's 28 now, so i guess he went later. anyway, he wrote a comic book called the second coming which is pretty crazy. it looks a lot like logosfiend's(aka freric doolittle)drawings, and takes on the idea of 'what if jesus were to come here, today...' as its main story. this guy also reminds me much of Tom Eaton, in its subject material. there are even some mysterious letter's to the Frog (the strip's dear Abbey), from a mysterious 'Doug from Danielson'.

is this the same Danielson that Tom loves and is friends with, those famed Christian post emo rockers? things certainly point in that direction...

Plus the comic is happening on the campus of Boston U, near where Dandrews (aka old greedy, aka Pants Larouie) sprouts from.

Aaah, and speaking of the old misbegotten lout, this is a site especially and just for him, though of course others can view and enjoy it too! Just make sure its animating, if its not, close it out and try again. turn up your sound. if you don't have sound then its really not worth it.

found it via freuds fave(who is STILL spelled wrong on my page, but still number one in my heart)

jeez ive dun enuff hypey linking for today, donchu thing?
go fight!



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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