*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

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village voice
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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


one thing i really like about sunday mornings is going to the deli for breakfast. the sun is out, people are peaceful and times square is quiet. for like the third week in a row, La Isla Bonita by Madonna is playing at the store. its the perfect cheasy sing along to perk you up. cheasy because its madonna trying to sincerely get that spanish thing to work for her. which only half works.

and the guy making my order gets confused about how many sandwiches i want with bacon, cheese, egg or whatever. Im getting Dennis the lobbyman's food, of course. and today is nice because i convinced him that he didn't want macdonalds. Dennis, i said, :"you get the same thing and it costs just as much as the 'value deals' the chain store has. Only its sooo better".

and the pigeons are all gathered on this one slice of a block in between broadway and 6th ave, and it seems like people aren't really allowed there. they are sunning themselves and perched all along the building's terrace.

(damn, madonnas on again at work. this time its 'music')

yesterday i barely missed getting pigeon crap on my nice new jacket.

so today i walked on the other side of the street.

and then there's dennis, who always brightens my day. he's always smiling, gets up from his desk, and talks to me. always about the same things. its so simple.

last night kelli and i saw Lucinda Williams at the Beacon theatre. It was grand. she ended with bob dylan's 'masters of war' for her 3rd encore. and flashed a peace sign: "peace, love, revolution"

I don't like people saying just "dylan". it sounds like they're so intimate with him or something. but everybody insists on calling him by just his last name. i've finally just recently got to listen to his stuff by finding some cheap records. and yeah, its amazing, but im sticking with his full name, first and last.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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