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first and foremost! A moment of silence for Smoocher.diaryland.com

He brought countless smiles to my life in the past two years. Thank you sir...

Have you ever heard of Jagged Edge? This r'n'b dance music guy whose been hot and on the freakin radio in New York for the last coupla years. You must know that song, "Where the party at? The girls are lookin for where the Bacardi at, if the party's where you at let me hear you say who- ooaooah..."

Damn that guy is bad. Maybe I'm just sensitive to musicians who break every sensibility having to do with harmony. It's like he's mocking melody and harmony. And he goes nowhere with it. no creativity... nothing new, just talking about drinking and partying and crap. (my native newyorker coworkers love him though)

Now Brittney Spears' new song ('Slave for you') is on, and Yamilett is telling me 'Here it is!', she likes it a lot because it shows us all that Brittney's a woman now, not a girl anymore. And I would have to agree.

Then i read this huge speech given by the vice-president of Unocal (huge oil company) about how as soon as the political climate in Afghanistan was stabalized, they could build a pipeline from the Caspian sea to the Indian ocean, and pump oil for the burdoning East asian gasoline market. The speech was given in 1998.

ARGGH. i give up trying to understand this war. Sure its good to trust your government with secrecy, but c'mon, its like a hundred people run the world and the fate of all us, and the earth's resources, are in their hands. Do they have scruples? A few. Religion? Not really. When you're that rich, you are your own god.

Oh, now there's a remix song on that's a collaboration between Michael Jackson and Jay-Z. 'Nuff said.



9/11 Mysteries
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