*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


whoa. Last night Kelli and i went to Elias's Corner for Fish ( a misleading moniker for the presentation of what was really a fancy restauraunt: serving only fish dishes)

She had Red Snapper, and i had Chilean Sea Bass. it was so damn good! im Still burping up fish.

i took the train in today, like everyday, but somehow it was much more enjoyable today. my soul feels not shaken, not stirred. just laying there within me - watching the tracks go on outside the subway window, as we go under the East River, speeding down along the bottom of the bay, and then climbing back up into manhattan. I never really considered how deep that train goes under the water, and how you don't see any of that, you don't see the fish or bubbles or algae or boats or anything. You just see the metal shiny interior of the car, shaking and rattling. Lights blinking on and off, graffiti scratched into the windows in urban language i can barely understand.

in sad news, Pat left the Phun Phactory, and there's no one to run the kid's graffiti 'program' on the exterior of the building.

Good news? The space's art fest is approaching, and jeez it may actually work.

Kelli is getting better at selling silverware at her Job. that's good. plus she loves her bookmaking class, and she teaches pottery at the YWCA. i think she's doing damn fine for herself. yeah.

as i said, not shaken, not stirred. deep breaths. monitored.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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