*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


hi world. people that read this are just friends mostly so maybe i'll just say 'hi friends'. here i am at diaryland.

ive been sick this week but not debilitating sick you know. and its been a few weeks now that i've had this ring that we found when we were cleaning up from the last space party. and i've just been wearing it and wearing it. it feels like it gives me power. i can easily see how the ring becomes this emblem like in tolkien. it just feels like its endowing me with some enchantment. or like i can aim it at somebody or thing i don't like, and it will shoot laser beams and cause devastation.

special wards, charms, engraved in patterns make us feel better as humans, huh? to see them on rings or in architecture, or lattice wordwork on the front porch.


ok just went to the kitchen and i heated up a pop tart in the micowave. sadly, there is no toaster here. so i cooked it for 30 seconds, and it was so hot i nearly burnt my finger picking it up. then i realized a few minutes later that i really did burn my finger as the pain started to set in.

kelli and i saw Zoolander last night. it made me laugh a lot. ben stiller still rocks.

the space is having a mega blowout all day long arts fest in two weeks, and i've become sole owner of it. curator, scheduler, planner, manager . . . so on and so forth. i slept 4 hours last night and i'm tired. so there.

jason was about to get nixed from my page. can i just say that i have been faithfully clicking on his diary just as i clicked on everyone's 4 times a week ... that adds up to:

Number of times since january 7th i have clicked on jason- , only to not be rewarded by anything except 'thanks for the cookies': 136



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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