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the inaugaural morning edition

from now on, you will be reading me as i reflect in the morning, not the night.

the night shift has been handed over, the baton passed. to a good-natured and seemingly sane man named alex. bravo, alex, bravo. may you enjoy working night shift for as long as you can stand.

fanfare blares here.

so last night kelli my girl and i went to the space (actually, i was at the space all day preparing) to see reggie's performance. it was his birthday performance. and that was touching, i mean, really, what's more intimate and personal than a birthday? and to put it on in front of a crowd. to have all his dancers stop dancing and just sit down and have a good natured kentucky fried chicken party, appearing to ignore the audience. so that real life celebration becomes performance and/or something to watch. like being privy to someone's homevideos, on display on stage. what a wonderful show it was.

oh there was dancing, singing as well, and grreat props.

and i went around afterward, being talky and inviting, then making it known that if you want to put on a show, just talk to me, and i can make it happen

(ps - if anyone out there reading this is in the new york area, and would like to sing, dance, read, or whatever; let me know...[unashamed advertising, hey its my diary and i can do what i want with it!]).

and there was a questionare that was given out to all audience members before hand. it was neat, i wish i had it with to tell you all the questions. they were akin to:

chicken or fish?

moon or sun?

water of fire?

favorite animal?

and so on.

and what was the topper of them all? Kelli and i answered the same on all of the Questions! The peacock is our favorite animal.

well, there was one where she said water and i said fire, but i really wanted to put water, and changed my mind at the last minute.

so anyway, its nice to think that we are so well matched, so attuned to each other. it makes me happier than you could imagine.

also, i am wearing cristina (my manager's) jacket here at work, and yes its officially cross-dressing, but hey, there's no one here to see me. (except the cameras), and it's Freezing in here. capital 'f' and all. who would have thought it, what with the near 100 degree temperature we've been having in new york.

Now you know who's causing all the blackouts. All of the energy is needed to keep the computers cold in the ivory towers in midtown over the weekend.



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