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listening to palace bros. on kellis wonderful walkman that i decided to take for the ride to work. and now im at work, and its sufficiently late enough to pop the headphones on again. will oldham is soothing some times. i really haven't listened to him in years.


so all of the folks here have heard my tale through the grapevine (certainly not from me ... ) of how i got reamed out by the jerkwad manager. and they look to tell me how its just all bullshit... yada yada.

well, im better than all of this. i will rise above it. whoops, forgot to go to the silk flower man to get my hundred smackers today. also forfieted my idea of going swimming, instead stayed in and just tried to 'arrange' my living space again. make it observable and all feng shui.

when i say 'feng shui' i really just mean not cluttered.

i feel like going out tonight. maybe i will go see if scott is around and chill. i don't want to go home just yet. arrghh, the night it calls. and the perpetual circle of waking up late continues.

things have been funny lately. Hardie called from gray's papaya and asked if i wanted a hot dog brought up to work. i asked maybe if i could get a papaya juice. and he was like, ' i don't think they have that.' and im all,' what kind of papaya place doesn't have papaya?', well he says its an express papaya place, or something. so i say, well, if they have the juice, ill get it. if not, ill have a hot dog. and that seems to satisfy him.

he arrives with a juice and a hotdog for me. i try to pay him, and he refuses my money. then i tell him that he paid for the pizza last time. and he says no, he thought i paid for it last time. well, this is civility, at least. this is the fun part of getting to know people.

cherish the gifts of life and folks around you. i'm going out. maybe i can go play chess or something with scott.

peace out to the mutha ship.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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