*Rest Easy

old entries

Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


monday i went to my favorite open mic, and i had a 30 pack of royal jelly. so i decided to give everyone there a vial of it. it was in liquid form. then i got up on stage and read some writings. propaganda. whatev. yo, royal jelly is what the bees feed the larva that they pick to be the queen. it is all she eats her whole life. and while most bees live out a few weeks, the queen will live at least 6 months. and this is all due to the royal jelly. i think thats the shi-at.

and so what else? im at work here and its grinding me into oblivion. well, actually, its become rather non-stressful. its like i've hit a plateau of professionalism, and everythings' become rather unobtrusive and boring. just doin' my thing.

also... things are cool. im going to penn state this weekend to see kelli's show! yeah. its gonna rock and i know it . from what i've heard, its really beautiful. i can vouch for that, because i've seen her pots, and they're really fantastic. so forget about trying to get in touch with me sunday morning, those who call me in the middle of the night at work (you know who you are!) cause you will talk to my co-worker, Eric, and Not Me! Yay.

ps. i just bought a Diaryland gold subscription for a year. yo so get ready to see pappazon ads all over your webpages. Yay! and let me all invite you to join. its so cheap and worth it. you get all kinds of special stuff, and lots more exposure. (this is my sales pitch dummy voice). well, if that 's what your looking for. you can meet all kinds of new on line friends, and isn't that what this is all about? and so when you get your own subscription, tell 'em pappazon sent you.

and you're supporting such a good cause. if you use this diary as much as i do, its worth it...

whatev. what is this ? what have i become? well.

my foot has healed from my latest clumsiness which had me limping around with a bandage on my toes, and now im feeling ready to dance!



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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