*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


day 2. today was more eventful, so far. actual training where they actually treated us like real people. not idiots. i just got in from the nicest little sit in the sun you could ever imagine. my lunch break on broadway and 39th street was full of warmth and pigeons and business people relaxing. aahh, it was lovely. ladies walking by , getting their heels stuck in the subway vent grating on the sidewalk, purchasing a soda from the hot dog guy.

Me? i just chomped delightfully on a honey mustard turkey and Brie sandwhich. what could be better?

Yet more evidence in the last few days that a leather jacket, provided it is in good shape, does indeed garner you a great deal more respect from just about everybody. its like i've risen about 5 rungs on the social ladder. (Does this ladder have an actual name? don't know that ... ) I'm such a geek, but hey, life is ok!

i missed the library by exactly 20 seconds on saturday, trying to return videos. i was panting from the run, and their was the weary librarian, locking the door, regarding me: "Too Late!"

so i won't be able to get to that library until at least thursday, if not saturday, which will garner me estimated $48 in fines for these two stinking movies. One of which was in Greek anyway, with no subtitles. (yet the packaging was in english. why? arrrgh) Sure i can speak a little greek, but my understanding of the movie waned after such minutae as "how are you?" "thank you," "get in the car, beeatch!" -- well,the music was great, and it had some intense scenes.

i found a new yoga place, right nearby in Astoria! i'm so happy and excited. they only take 7 people per class, and two classes a week. its got a real 'down home' feel, i'm guessing.

that's it for now! see ya in day 3.



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