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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


i just pooped twice tonight already, and had some chinese leftovers, and talked to two good friends on the phone. kelli and eric. and then i did a lot of online stuff. and this is what i get paid to do. and i like ta get real paid, if yaz know whutimean.

speaking of paid, this week i worked for this guy for a day and a half. he heard about my superior talents through word of mouth (and you know how that travels!) and asked that i make his kitchen floor non-splintery. Seeing as how he has a newborn who is just learning to crawl. so this was a noble pursuit, as far as i could figure it. i mean, to do good work: power sanding, staining, varnishing a floor to polished perfection; all so that a it's safe for the baby to crawl around. big goofy smile with drool hanging out, exploring all the pots and pans that hang about, and no surprizing splinters in the kneecaps. It makes me feel good. like i'm not wasting my time, for once.

And Speaking of babies ... Hell-O! sh*t! can i just say congratulations!? Its about time somebody do something exciting around here! for all our talk and jest and beating around the bushes about celebrations and creativity, and parties, here eric and carolyn have out-done us all, with a real beautiful thing. way to go guys! good luck!

went for a walk today by the airport, its still magical to see the planes come in over your head, one every 45 seconds or so. got my shit straightened out with a walk. then sat down to read this new book i got:

chris ware's "Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Boy in the World".

i finished it in about 8 hours. its just fantabulicious- amazing.

Beck keeps creeping back into my cd player. its like the great return for him into my life. ive ignored his whole career for like the last 6 years or so. whY? because he became successful, i suppose. i was all hard core __" oh, man, i only listen to 'one foot in the grave', 'stereopathic soul manure', or maybe 'mellow gold' on a good day -- nothing later than that"

Well guess what, i came to the conclusion that i was an idiot AND a fool. He's aging (almost like 27 now!) with grace, and just getting better. And that's an important lesson... Thanks to Gabriel for taking me back home to an old friend. (oh, and Gabe, your CD's are in the mail, i swear!- well, tomorrow they will be)

and Jake was here, is in chicago right now, will be back soon. its been well. we've just begun exploring. Had some good, quiet times with hookahs in cafes. and when he comes back i may even have a little money! honest! for real, it will be that much more fun to be able to do things that cost something!

Blah, blah blah. i really am a big bull shi*ter. its pretty obvious, huh? anyway there's so much more to say, but not this time. oh, official send out date for the first batch of requested demo tapes is january 15. sorry im late. hey, good stuff takes time, right?



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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