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snore ...

snorlax. now im hungry. so that means i get up. my butt is so sore... snore.

(a special what's what and what's up to kathy in Mesquite for writing me. ) well here i am at woik and its new years eve morning. it has been for almost 7 and 1/2 hours here in (gasp) Times Square. there were throngs of people here last nite, despite the foot of black slush that was once white and pure, with apparently nothing to do but wander around New york's hippest area, DisneyYork!


Aaah, and to think i was once a country bumpkin myself. (note to everyone: reality check, i still am!) well anyway, its not that the snow is prohibitive of driving ... but its the ice that worries me now. Driving is treacherous. The mayor has declared a city-wide alert, and has urged everyone to use the subways. Cars and cabs and buses are kind of laying low. The whole city is iced over from the freezing rain that followed the blizzard last nite. With that in mind, and the fact that Jason- was planning on driving, I am sad to report that we may be stuck in this city. The Bondfire calls, and we wave back from the Megalopolis. We are there in spirit.

or maybe we will make it, if the sun comes out today and the salt trucks do their thing.

What else?

Happy new years ! everyone. it may be Armageddon! Right? why is everyone not worked up anymore? there is just as much chance of the world coming to an end this year as there was last! I mean, c'mon, d'ya think Christ or the devil or the anti-whatever or Saddam Hussein, or whoever it is that will be responsible cares about details? its Still 2000! let me remind you! Weird things can happen. or maybe George W. Bush, self-proclaimed never to have read a book, leader of the free world to-be (and ps. USA, you are Not the 'Free World' - you don't even come close) will have a hand in a new years to end all years. and life as we know it! Don't get distracted by the 20 some inches of blizzard that just fell on the most bustling city in the world and hushed everybody up to a muffled whimper. (a bit biblical, it was a record-breaking nor-easter) Isn't it a bit ironic that everyone in the city is now pre-occupied with shoveling snow? Just the thing, right, to catch us by surprise. Soon it will be hell-fire falling on our heads, And in only a few hours!

I mean sure, God promised we wouldn't get Rained on any more to kill us, but he never ruled out Precipition of all kind. What about Frozen Rain? "our god is a crafty god"

Keep an eye to the sky for the next thing to fall (if its not the sky itself!). Perhaps re-purchased Scud bombs, capped on the nose by lethal Arabian nerve gas.

(yes that's right, made especially in Arabia with special secret exotic ingredients).

Remember Nostradamus, who in 1555, wrote:

"Come the millennium, month


In the home of greatest power,

The village idiot will come forth

To be acclaimed the leader."

(are you thinking what i'm thinking)? **

Well, beyond all those ominous tidings, i guess ill just wish everyone a happy new year. A happy millenium. I really can't help it, though, tis the season for raving maniacs setting up shop in times square and preaching at us all. you know? kind of gets you right here, doesn't it? *presses fist to heart, whoops, where heart should be*. And that's where i am, this is just a rather elaborate, sheltered soapbox, here on the Intrali-ks nite crew.

Well, I'm going to go to Jason's now and we will watch top 100 lists of the best easy-listening music on VH1, in lieu of traveling to philly. Unless, of course, the sky opens up and shines its benevolent warm smile down on these streets. C'mon sky!

** Thanks to research assistant Lydia Gray for Nostradamus quote.



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