*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


i slept through my first call after a year of working this night shift. I was dreaming that i was at work (go figure), and i heard the phone ring in the dream. Our phones only ring once, so that they don't become annoying. So in the dream i woke up (i guess i was sleeping there, too!), and struggled to understand what the call was about. Its pretty hard to do when you are completely groggy. then in one of those dream sequence shifts i jumped on a motorcycle with a friend and just left.

Then i really woke up. and the call had been re-qued. and it sat there just long enough for me to see it before the caller got exasperated and hung up.

chances are it was Dennis, the door man down in the lobby, just checking on me... but maybe it was Australia, or New Zealand, with technical difficulties up the wazoo.

There are two upcoming convergences. 1) the Nor'easter that will be converging upon the east coast and new england. 2) Many of my friends and I converging upon Eric's old Malvern house for the new year's celebration.

the storm promises to bring a foot of snow. the party does not. also, the storm plans to be here one day before the party. thus, don't you see, there's a small problem of 'getting there'. Even in this hi-tech new millenia fancy dancy virtual world of overcoming distances at the speed of light, we still have to *drive* to get to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In a car and/or bus resting upon four tires, all of limited capabilities. Mother Nature and Old Man Winter still have the last say. Will they send me sliding and careening through some guard rail and into my grisly 60 mile/hour wintry death? Or not? well, if this never gets updated again, consider that an affirmative.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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