*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

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VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


someday ill figure out how to fix that thing at the bottom of my page, in case you are frustrated and don't get it, there is No Send button, so you cant send you embarrasing story yet. arrgggh. but pappazon, you say, why are you so block headed and slow?

well, i don't know the answer to that.

in other news, im at the queens library and i only got a few minutes left because its like a day at the races here to try and get a computer. people are using choke holds and hair pulling, kids are toddling around screaming and its just wonderful.

i was at a dunkin donuts a few minutes ago, happily reading my book (of the autumn) (Ulysses). and the place eventually empties out. then this old, (and i mean old)woman gets up and hobbles over to the seat completely next to me. the whole place is deserted. but shes with her friend and she proclaims (obviously directed to me, as if to quell any doubts i may have had ...) "i like the corner seat, here, its my favorite seat"

and i wish you could hear me imitate her voice because i would make it as craggly and exagerated as possible. like some old old woman. her face is painted with make up, long ago abandoned the 'just a little is enough' philosophy.

ahh, but she's just an old lady, and i'm sure she goes to dunkin donuts every day. She practically owns that seat. what right do i have, as a youngster, and as a non-regular at the donut shop; to utter discontet? so i shove off, mosying out of there. muttering under my breath. i can hear that old lady cackling.

What else? i've signed up for the pennstate performance art symposium. (oct 24-28). its actually only 30 $ to go see the shows. AND its Worth it, for anyone who can make it. GO, if you can. make your heart and mind and spirit happy.

gotta say i love the diaryland chat, though ive been too busy at work to actually chat much. i still keep it on.

--------- oh, by the way, autumn rocks!

im in my awesome pimp daddy orange jacket (perhaps just a little overworn), and things are looking good.

stay tuned about news for getting a Free demo tape of my music... COMING SOON...



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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