*Rest Easy

old entries

Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


cheers to the new faces on diaryland! and welcome.

last night i played at an open mic, and the lead singer from the Spin Doctors (Chris Barron??- i think) came up to me after the very small set and said, " i enjoyed your show" and he gave me his new CD. It's solo music. Thing is, really didn't even realize that this guy was Mr. "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" himself, until the next day when i sat down and listened to the Disc. it really was something. He was pretty laid back, and his singing was nice, when you consider how annoying some of those songs were. Just too much airplay, i'guess.

now i'm at work, im hungry -- despite the fish i ate which was a little old and gave me a scary stomacheache. this guy is being annoying, acting like this is his computer, which it is when i m not here. but the thing is . .. . i m here, and its like, hey, who's the superior here? Screw'em. (he's a good guy and all). Im not rushing my diaryland entry. its important. dammit. and what else . . .

bond gave me a phenomenal tape last week. his masterstroke. the best so far. we're rolling on the tape making scheme.

and so here it is:

the official invitation to send me a tape. or any other stuff. i'll send you stuff back.

19-36 78th st.

jackson heights, ny, 11370

or just ask me, and ill make you a tape first. no problem, it can have music, talk, quotes, snores, ejaculations. whatever.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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