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now its time to write and why isn't it? i/ve fore stalled enough. at work. got a case of the sleepies and so i just conked out napping (!im the _napster_!) for an hour or so.

things are chill now. got a bit of a rejuvinated feel. not too much sleep last nite.

is there really any real news to report to y'all? im getting closer to the heart of hedonism. i ask myself before i do things: do i really want to do this? will it benefit me/my friends/ the situation we're in? is it better to be self-less or selfish right now? the perfect mixture of what feels right _and_ economical, logical sense.

And don't forget about the moment. Are you being a tyrant? are you sticking too ardently and too adherently to an old plan? an outdated prescription? are you pushing your petty expectations to have a good time on the rest of your company?

is your company having a good time? around you, i mean. are you making them nervous? bored? are you just adding to their confusion of who it is you are? are you taking enough of 'them' in? are you respecting who it is that they are? or just assuming you know who they are and what it is that they like already? Don't get upset. make sure to just calm down and relax.

and have a good time. these are the things i tell myself in the company of others. usually with a confused sort of pursed - lipped look.

yes, so i'm getting to know m'self a little better, and relax a little more. than i was a year ago at this time. Just don't give me any prescription drugs. I'm fine! I don't need chemical help. I thought i told you?!



9/11 Mysteries
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