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my eye hurts i think i strained a muscle that holds it, you know, one of those muscles connecting the back of your eyeball to your inner skull/sinuses? I think i strained it.

It all happened when i was cruising through a small but glorious tunnel this morning at 5 am, on my schwinn 19-speed, on the way home from all-night dancing at ultra-cool, up -to - date club in the city called "Fun". all of a sudden my eye started hurting in a way its never quite hurt before. And it was only the right one. Lefty's ok. Still hurts, but mostly when i where glasses. so now here i am at work putting on my glasses cause i can't see, and then alternatively taking them off again do to the little but annoying pain. over and over again.

tonite i'm also going out. also alone again. also again to an ultra-hip "trendy" place in williamsburg, brooklyn,-- called 'galapagos'.

(Readers of this entry who live in new york will sigh with exasperation that i actually clarified where williamsburg was, [and perhaps even stop reading] -- but this is for all the others out there, who may not know our city's geography-

I'm a global kind of guy, y'know?)

and im excited. Kind of like catching up on all the hot fun i've missed up until now. last nite i went out. all my stupid friends' were busy, and gave me the old diss, while trying to act like it was a mistake. Ignoring my calls. and i wasn't ready to get upset about it, so i went out and watched the new york firework show alone. And it was fun enough.

Not as humongous (spelling?) as it looks on t.v. (then again, i was also on the set of who wants to be a millionare-- and it was smaller than you might think too- its that whole "tv enlarges life" thing). The fireworks were just as impressive as the ones in shitville, pennsylvania. Maybe even less so. Thing is, the city had to put on like 8 identical displays all over the place; so that people could see everywhere.

My ex-girlfriend visited for a day. And stayed over at my apt. She was tired, and grumpy the first nite. And the next day, she seemed distant. She was certainly a different woman than the one i knew before italy. but now she's engaged. it felt like, oh, "david, you wouldn't understand where i am now." And it was wierd overall. We maybe had forgotten where we had left off before we agreed to meet up in the city.

i would go into all this and more, but its become like a big party in the office, and i really can't think to write. Off to get shit faced . . .

love to my peeps.



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