*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music



have just finished a 16 day stay in Maui. it was wonderful. what else to say? before that just finished up a year in grad school. It was delightfully challenging. Have just about wrapped up making reservations for a 16 day trip to Europe, which begins in a week or so. It was stressful and unending, I have done the travel agency thing for myself, with countless connecting flights, hotels, hostels, apartment shares, intercontinental journeys, and so on, all through the web. zoinks! I probably spent the same that I would have paid a travel agent 15 years to do for me, Plus I spent a good 30-40 hours of my own time doing it. Technology saves time? are you so sure?
Its a metamorphosis! i feel scaly antenae creeping from my forehead. and buggy eyes, blasted pixelated light bursts replacing the archaic humanoid pupils.
okay, whatever. Now i'm in Salt Lake City. I went to the Bingham Copper Mine today, which is two things. one, the biggest manmade hole in the (known)world. two, the reason for the town where Kelli had to go to middle school. We visited the middle school, for a trip down wifey's memory lane, but sadly, the middle school was torn down and was now only a lot of emptiness. Not even for sale. So why did they feel the need to get rid of such nostalgic building? Surely scores of past students in need of a schooltimepast fix pass by that lot looking for the locale of 4 years of precious memories. Why do such a thing?
Then we went to go bowling with K and some of her siblings. We played 3 games. Some people improved their scores, some lost their energy and thus declined periodically. I am happy to say that I maintained a strong score in the 90's for all three matches. And I did the best strut.
We played also this strange game called "Apples to Apples" where you guess what a person would connect to an adjectives (say, 'fuzzy') using only the words you hold in your hand. What's wierd is that if you guess what other people are thinking, you get that adjective; and when the game ends, your pile of adjectives (somehow) describes you best!
(pause for comprehension)
maybe that's not so exciting or worthwhile to read even, but hey, that's what's going on over here.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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