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to my dear readers

Happy thaksgiving! that should date this in case i don't write for a month or a couple of months. so much going on... so much to tell, where to start? where to start.

I am at this sort of crossroads that I always knew would arrive. maybe i've just been hanging out there this whole time. There is a major conflict between me and the intelligensia art world that I am trying to make my way into... I find it very plausible that sep. 11, 01 was an inside job that was in part, designed to occur by people that thus far have gotten away with it.
I am not trying to be scary or freak people out, and I don't want to make this about me (although I guess it is a diary). At the same time, it is hard to consider notions of expression, of aesthetics, freedom that art is all about with this big boogeyman in my mental space. Its like, oh don't mind the creeping fascism that has your countrypeople by the neck, just act like its not there.

How can I not make art about these perceived realities. Yes, it is up for debate as to whether this malignant conspiracy I speak of is real or paranoid delusion - but then, I have yet to find someone able to debate concisely with actual evidence and prove that Bin Laden and his cronies were the sole culprits.
Yes it is up for debate as to whether I am cuckoo or not, but then no one wants to even have this debate. Very few want to even consider the points that I, or someone else interested in this truth of 9/11, make.

I understand the awkwardness. I understand the great leap one has to make in order to give this idea space in your brain. Its been 3 years that my life has been shoved off course with this disturbing information. I also understand, a little bit, how paranoia and conspiracy theory works in the mind; how we want to simplify our understanding of complex events into some final coherent structure, that people want to stratify and tie up loose ends in strange world events. A visiting artist who is the co-founder of Cabinet Magazine was in my studio talking about this, and spoke of how it is important for the delusional mind to make sense out of everything as if it was an equation, thus emphasizing some facts and ignoring others.

A conversation is very important in these matters. I am willing to say that my aspersions were wrong, that I was a fool to be harping on this subject of "9/11 truth," especially when our men and women are in Iraq, especially when so many family members of the Sep. 11 victims just want to move on. Yes, I would, in a sense, love to wrong. I am afraid I will never find out that I am right.

Simple steps could be taken, and suspiciously have not. The 9/11 commission, or the New York Attorney General, could subpoena the Chicago Stock Exchange information about the 'Put' Options that were made in the week before 911. These shares were bought betting on the fall of United Airlines, Morgan Stanley (who had 22 floors in the towers), as well as two of the insurers for the airlines. And they were 600 to 1200 percent higher than normal that week. I cannot emphasize this enough, this is such strong evidence that whoever bought these options had some sort of clue as to what would happen. They never picked up the money, however, it is thought that perhaps billions of dollars was made on similar insider information that has not been investigated. So, the 911 commission declared these actions weren't suspicious. A simple subpoena would provide the proof. It would tell us who made these bids. It hasn't been done.

The collapse of World Trade Center 7 happened at 5:20 pm on sep 11. I recently told my parents this, they had no idea. In fact, most of the US population still has no idea. A 47 story steel structure, collapsed at the near free fall speed of 9 seconds. It had a few fires in it on a few floors. Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the Police dept, and the fire dept were all aware that the building was soon to collapse, so they evacuated and waited for it to fall. The problem is that it is completely unprecedented, there was no plane that hit that building, steel structures don't collapse from fires, and there could be no way those people could have known that. In fact, FEMA and the official NIST report (National Institute of Standards and Technology) still have yet to explain it, and have changed the theory a couple of times. This building contained offices of the Dept of Defense, the Secret Service, and the CIA. Again, I'm not making up any theory or blaming these groups, just yet. It is a mystery that needs investigation.

Just one more point, and these 3 are really only the small but obvious tip of an iceberg of strange evidence. It is probably impossible to have towers fall that fast. I say 'probably' in order to give you, dear reader, some breathing room in all of this. Because if you buy the official story, you have to accept that jet fuel caused the towers to fall. First and foremost, I think, is the recent consideration made by Dr. Judy Wood, Mechanical Engineer/Clemson University. As the floors crash down onto the ones below, the falling is continually reset, each floor presents a moment where something that is stationary has to begin falling. When something begins falling, it falls slower at first. Gravity acts upon it, accelerating over time. The total collapse time of all the floors aggregated together cannot be the same as the fall of a beam dropped from the height of the tower. Yet that's what happened, more or less free-fall speed. Wood puts the very shortest estimate for the Progressive Collapse (or pancake theory) around 96 seconds, if everything went right. I may not be a scientist, but I have studied math and basic Newtonian theory, it is something we have all grasped in school right? The emotional impact of those towers falling blocks our access to the simplest of reasoning.

In the fall of the towers, I'm not going to get into other problems: 47 steel columns in the core that are ignored by the official explanation, small fires only locally on the 78th floor, reported by a fire Chief, the plane impact had to dislodge the insulation from the steel in order to soften it, the steel transmits heat energy to all parts of the structure to cool itself, the maximum temp. for a powerful fire is way too low to 'melt' steel, the black smoke indicated a smoldering, relatively low-temperature fire, people were using the elevators, the shaft wasn't an inferno we were all told, plenty of eyewitness accounts of bombs in the building, including firemen and maintanance people, visual video evidence of ground rocking explosions before the plane hit, before the towers fell, visual evidence that sure as hell looks like demolition squibs preceding the collapse, the pulverization of all things concrete, computers, office equipment into dust (which may result in 1000's of more deaths in the coming years due to the cancerous World Trade Center cough - I know two people with the symptoms), the inexplicable (save demolition) molten steel found at the base of both towers AND WTC 7. This isn't getting into FAA failures, missing planes in Shanksville, PA and the pentagon, and thousand other anomolies.

I could be wrong with my aspersions. I could be wasting my time. This doesn't feel like I'm drawing a simplistic circuit of events, though. It feels really true. Sometimes I doubt myself, and that is scary; but the point is this: I don't want to live in a fascist America. Anymore.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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