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I'm tired,
writing in a diary noone knows about, I relish the old and the nostalgia. Its a thing people who sit around and think tend to do to avoid doing other activities. I will go up and go for a walk soon, but I want to begin this post to say a couple of things to any friends who may be passing by.

I am in graduate school. meetings and orientations begin tomorrow. the hell of meaningless labor work ends for two years as I try to polish and determine my art. Here now in the computer lab, where maybe I'll even start up again with regular postings.

Kelli is still in Fargo, I am in Virginia. this is a far off distance; and it is strange and difficult to deal with right now. More on that later

more physical proof the twin towers were demolished: Judy Wood, Mech. Engineer Phd at Clemson (I think) made it super clear.
The official story is a 'pancake theory', that the weight of the top of the tower, all floors above the impact of the jet plane, crushed the floor immediately below it. In turn, the next floor down was subject to the mass under pull of gravity, and it too collapsed.
There would be a pause as the energy is transferred from one floor to another. The kinetic energy of the floor above is transferred to the floor below.
so instead of free fall speed, which is about 9 1/2 seconds for the drop of any object of any mass from that height (110 stories = 1/4 mile), the building collapsing floor on top of floor would actually fall much slower, as it would lose all momentum every story.
When you drop something, it falls at a slow rate at first, and picks up speed until it reaches maximum rate of fallling. But in the floor collapsing the floor beneath it model, or pancake theory, Each floor only begins to fall at that initial slow rate (about 1 second per story), before pausing as it slams into the floor below it. As Judy Wood demonstrates quickly with a little newtonian physics, it would take at minimum 100 seconds for one of the towers to fall in this way.

Because the towers fell at basically free fall speeds, she continues, the floors at the bottom of the tower would actually have to be moving before the wave of 'progressive collapse' reaches it from above.

All of this sort of ignores what is visible when you simply watch the collapse (which won't be aired on any U.S. media outlet), that each floor is basically blown outwards in a great cloud of dust. If the steel girders had been melted by the Raging Jet fuel fires in the elevator shafts as we have been told, the collapsing floor would result in chunks of unmoored cinderblock, peices of drywall, and all the stuff that was there right before the collapse. All of this material that comprised the tower vanishes into a fine dust. That fine dust has even less a chance of collapsing the floor beneath it, because of its light weight. In fact, it ends up taking longer to get to the ground than the floating office paper.
Ultimately, she does a more vigourous and scientific explanation of this than me the layman. But its simple enough to consider if you've paid attention in high school physics.
Go here to see it.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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