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i am married.

i am in an internet cafe surrounded by a bunch of young kids who are playing "Counter-strike" online, and loving every minute of it (they are, not necessarally me).

i am working in new york, and today is september 11, 2004.

the decade wears on.

this government is a reflection of the american populace, we cannot be critical of it without being critical of ourselves, or we would be hypocritical.

we are folks enamoured by technology, and money, distractions that cause ignore - ance.

this is ok.

300 people dead, many of them children, in a schoolhouse in Beslan, Russia.

we argue so much about iraq, or even worse, vietnam (!?), but keep Sudan out of focus. millions die under one administration, and yes it has just been termed 'genocide' by the Bush administration (because it was politically expedient to do so), and maybe, we will be talking about it in a few months, or years, looking in hindsight.

but todays news is of catching up with the past, pieces and artifacts like 911 or where's Osama, polls and post convention bounces.

what about the now,people?

i was speaking to republican delegates in the streets of new york a few weeks ago for the convention protests.

i said what i think now, that we are living with so many filters, we choose our filters, and we work together to educate each other.

stay informed people.!

i'm married, like i said. as of a month ago.

you are curious what its like? when i read diaries of married folk, it thought to myself, "strange, those people write diaries too." it was wierd that people kept having independent thoughts to express to the anonymous nothing world of the internet.

i am not glamourous anymore.

i found old greedy whining about not finding me in the diaryland world, that i had gracefully or in some other way 'bowed out', that he was the lone voice yelling in the wind.

and so i say to him, my best man, Not Likely.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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