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Two days ago on the subway, a woman feinted right in front of me. It was crowded because it was the morning, and the guy next to her kind of put her into a seat. She was so out of it. I got off at the next stop with her and got her a bottle of water from a hot dog vendor at Queens Plaza. She told me she was pregnant, though she didn�t look it.

It has been rainy here in new york, and cold again. What�s up with this weather. Some say if you combine it with the SARS and the flooding in Europe last summer, we have an apocalyptic situation on our hands. (not to mention the blood flowing in the tigris and Euphrates rivers). I don�t believe it, just yet. Though surely that�s probably how it works � people become to proud of themselves and at the same time too jaded with the world to take any of nature�s signs seriously, no matter how blatant.

Today I�m going to work for Jim, a guy who I�ve been working for on and off since I moved to nyc, 4 years ago. Doing handyman stuff, painting, fixing lights, that sort of thing. Working for him is kind of specialized though. He works in restoration, so things must be completely perfect. I find myself doing the same old jobs, year after year.

That door that you spent 2 weeks painting because it was never quite right . . . it needs more work. That floor that you cover with fresh new upsome board (I know, your saying �whats upsome board?�) every year or so� its time to replace it. The shop needs winterizing, so I put it off and put it off till winter�s almost over; oh, now the winterizing needs to be cleaned and put away. This is stuff that nobody will do, and never to the standards that jim has, so I know he can always count on me. And I never have anything else going on. Well sometimes I do, but not right now, income wise.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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