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hi diary.

sporadic though it may be, i will carry on entries in this place.

last night i saw jean grae perform at club shine. shes a rapper, and she slings the shizat with abandon, stylin and riding the beats it was a good show. go get her album, 'attack of the attacking things' before its gone from the shelves.

listening to the perennial, :Automatic for the People", one of those albums i think i will be listening to when im 40. which isnt that far off, hmm lets see, 2017. will we be driving electric cars by then? floating hoverboards? or will we beam ourselves via microsoft processors through the internet to china or budapest or the moon?

i bet people in the south and texas will still be driving 4x4 trucks with shotguns laying on the passenger seat.

REMs 'find the River' is an allusion/memorial to River Phoenix, who had recently died or killed himself in the early 90's... remember? anyway, what a beautiful song, even more when i learned what it was about.

i've been playing a lot of guitar this week, and am as close as i have ever been to abandoning completely studio art making, that is drawing/painting. but its more than a one lane street, i guess i can always work on both or more than two things. oh, you know, its just this thing with professionalism, and 'making it' that is such a hassle, bugger in my hat. so i keep focusing on making songs right now. and thats about it.

ive got a lot of plants, and they all seem to be doing well. vinods cat continues to give me love, and get big with fat. simple thing is, she doesn't get any excersize. her main activities are hanging out, scratching something, getting petted, and occasionally visiting Anki the Norwegien or Zoran the Croatian across the hall. OH, yeah, and eating.

But quite attached i've become of this cat.

what else...

i threw out my back two nights ago, and my lifestyle has been affected. im still a little in pain when i bend certain ways, but its healing quickly thank you very much. i was simply reaching across my room to get the phone, and this sharp pain in my back just spasmed. it was so wierd and unprecedented. another sign of age sinking its cavernous stalagtite choppers into me.

oh , and its great to be back in New york. ! still the best place in the world. even though i'm broke.

love d.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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