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hi diary.

im in prague. itscalled praha here. its a beautiful little town of 1 million czechs. they are great / especially the two (2) that i met tonight while along with scott osif. we walked all around the huge hill/mountain in the middle of town, and then we were searching for this place called peclo,*(which i remember because it rhymes with teclo, a PJ harvey song "teclo your death")and it mean s hell in czech because it is buried under a monastary in a cave. and although we found it and it was closed because it is no longer really the tourist season, no worries,.

we found another great bar with some cool people that we be beat at fuseball 2 games to one.

they were fun. but now i am at an all night bar called Battalion "(where i am no pussy but a LION) " which is also internet access like every other place in the town center


madonna is projected on to the wall, her entire girly show concert is being shown. its fantastic. it makes me smile and be a happier person. she is in her underwear. i almost never wear underwear. the girl from california i met today has been traveling all over the continent for months at a time. and believe it or not, she is missing 4 of the 7 underwears she started out with. her name is anne - marie.

scott is here. checking his email and paying his bills online.

this country is beautiful. things are cheap. a room costs 10 dollars a night. a beer costs 50 to 100 cents. food is ridiculously fried, only better to soak up the alchohol, my dear.

i am wearing my grand father's hat. God bless him.

love to kelli and everyone else.


thanks jake for sending me an email. jeez, its only been a year, you know?

congratulations vinod and sasha. much love.



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