*Rest Easy

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dang i wanted to add an entry when i was all fresh, but there was lots of work to do, and you know i just came in, sat down, and my butt was plugged there for the next few hours. it reminds me of when i first started here, the business, oh some two years ago...

Memories.... (yr. hero breaks into cat uniform and howls the tune)

anyway, kelli and i went to see the artist formally known world trade center today. it would bellow out clouds of smoke whenever excavators opened up pockets of untouched building. people were trickling along the borders, which encompass about 12 square blocks, i think. (mathworks! which i watched last night on PBS at 3 in the am.)

and the trickling, its wierd to consider, has been constant since sep. 11. a river of people to come and see, and somehow get a grasp of the reality for themselves. it stinks. Kelli had soot on her face, here and there, that wind had blown at us.

there was the most amazing memorial of teddy bears, flowers, with little individual notes written and attached. it was thousands and thousands of these teddy bears, mostly untouched in months. it was really sad and powerful.

then we got a bike taxi to take us away from the site, ala julius caesar or whatever. it was kind of funny and cool, i think, to drive by federal police, reserves people, and the over-all serious tragic environment, to be carted away by a straining bike guy pulling us two in tow. all the while, moving like 5 miles an hour, and he's in his lowest gear to climb this slight incline; saying, " oh you guys aren't heavy, you should've seen the last people i had".

so we made our appearance, and said our goodbyes to the great building. ive always had a fixation for the WTC. i always thought it was kind of sexy, and sleek. no other building was so big.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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