*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


when i said that bit about how i was "out like smoocher", and that i didn't want to go on; i meant just for that entry. Jeez. some people were like, 'oh, david, are you done writing for good?'

well, let me reassure you, im still here. as long as i work at intrali-ks, at least, i will probably keep this up.

kelli and i saw Low play last night. They sounded Pristine. you could not compare this type of performance to listening to a disc. They played a Smith's song ... "Last night i dreamed, that somebody loved me"

Also played the old singer for the Swans. He was funky, and sad. You really had to sit down to listen to him.

what is the extent of Kostrub's reality these days? does anybody know? Where do you start International Law studies? Yay for him i say.

And to the Bond-smith family: how are you all? good cheer and god bless. hope you are all as well as can be.

Dear cindy... How is school again? How is wisconsin? i also hope you are doing well and are happy.

i overslept 3 hours today. no matter. work is work is useless listening to Casey Casem count down the 'notches' of the increasingly R'nB dominated top 40 American pop charts on a tiny transistor radio since the internet is cheap and won't play free music as freely as it did only one year ago.

and im rocking my body and bobbing my head to Alicia Keyes, Macy Gray, Missy misdemenor elliot

by the way: that album, MissE: So Addictive has dominated my workspace here for like 2 months.

hey lets all go over to dave and nate's house and hijack them. they need a breakup from their collective self absorbtion. their diaries are good. but its time for a party. i think.

lets get old and stupid and listen to Beastie Boys instead of Jimmie Buffet.

i still love new york and no longer fear that we are all going to die. though we might... i've been reminded to love my life and let everybody else live theirs. this entry is sinking into stupid.

that's okay though.

ps. i love 'baby', my cat. and wouldn't give her up for a whole pot of gold.

pss. hey nate, i know im not in your zone of laziness, but i must say i am a procrastinator. i haven't gone to the dentist since senior year in high school, when they told me i was supposed to have a bridge put in "immediately". the bridgework is currently scheduled for the winter 2001-02 season. i haven't done taxes for this year yet, or last year, i reckon. i don't wash socks, i buy new ones. i don't buy clothes, i wait till other people buy them for me. (times with no girlfriends are times with no new clothes - which was most of the time) i went a year wearing only one contact in one eye because i didn't want to buy new ones. (that was in hi school - then again, a testament to how lousy my parents could be to let me go without sight for that long when they were loaded - then again, i was proud and hard to buy things for) there are countless other exampless, but mostly i like to avoid beuracracy, red tape, paperwork, doctors, or shopping at all costs...


just went to the kitchen and got (a) some water, (b) pop tarts [strawberry-untoasted] (c) Daisy's Gourmet Marble Pound Cake. this is the nutrition i have to subsist on until 5.


Kelli: i love her. i live with her. sometimes its interesting to see how our lives are sprawling together, Like two cities becoming one. We are happy a good deal of the time. sometimes we get ahead of ourselves, or miss a step that the other has taken. Its like a heart murmur. It hurts. and it shouldn't have happened, but nobody can be 'on' all the time.

We went to see 'Hearts in Atlantis' two nights ago. In a word: Horrible.

Anthony Hopkins tries to play an old frumpy Bruce willis like that movie -what was it called ?-''i see dead people'' with this kid who has psychic shit going on... or like kevin spacey in 'pay it forward' which i never really saw, but it just seems like a trend that sir hopkins had to hop on out of a dearth of really any other good ideas.

and it was based on a stephen king story, much akin to 'The Green Mile' or 'Tommyknockers' or 'It' or 'the Stand (TV or movie version)',

All of which were good creepy nighttime reading in junior/senior high, but which translate into horrendous, overstated, melodrama on screen. ---> Yuck.

Well, what can we say, we were in the mood for a movie, and there was nothing playing. typical. ahh, but 'driving in cars with boys' comes out tonight. we'll be back soon enough, hollywood. money in hand.

Yami is here at work next to me planning her wedding. She is picking out the hall for the reception right now. as i type. She is 20. Her boyfriend and love of her life lives in Florida. She's happy and sure and secure. It is really awesome.

when i was 20, hmmm, hee hee. not the same.

Again, to highlight this jaunty entry: Low was a Great Show.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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