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rolling rolling... still sick but maybe getting better, and there are antibodies in my blood stream now. so fight fight fight, ! i say, to those little friends coursing through my veins. do your work.

its strange how the cure for infections and viruses can sometimes be by giving the body little portions of it so that it can build up a tolerance. Like in the Princess bride when the guy spent his whole life taking the poison so that he could kill that dude ... well i won't go into it if you haven't seen it!

but it shows how complicated this life is, some say the answer to this recent tragedy is peace, others say its War, and so on and so on. but i really think that the best way for me to deal with this , right now, is to admit that i have no clue. i spend a good deal reading about the U.S.'s history of relations with the mid east, and it just gets more and more complicated. Aside from going and visiting afghanistan, i don't think i'll have a very unbiased view of the facts. Every single thing you read about it has a spin on it right now. the Right commentary, the Leftist commentary. The 'logical' commentary, the emotional appeals. It's all completely biased. Why don't people just take a minute to honestly reflect, and perhaps they'll admit that they really don't know what the answer is.

so anyway, im sick and im at the library in queens. I've begun watching the Sopranos on video tape. So has Kelli and Emily. its a good show. Its violent too. just slips it in there. like you think your watching this completely civil story about a family and then Bam! Tony chokes some old enemy to death. its quick little poisons, in small allotments, this violence ...

Like i said, antibodies.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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