*Rest Easy

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Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


ive got a blueberry cheese danish from the vending machine awaiting me for when i finish this entry. and i know its fresh, because it was was baked personally by Mrs. Freshley.

also, the waterjugs have arrived here at work, and that means i'm not being submitted to soda whenever i get thirsty.

also, dennis the lobby man who you may remember from certain entries of mine, has finally stopped his crazy 16 hour shifts on saturdays and sundays. this means, he is no longer around.

i have been struggling with accepting my new hours -- starting next week, i arrive at work at 6 am. this isn't so bad, its only twice a week, and it lets me go home at 3 on a saturday. right? still ... there was a mini- war between me and the manager here, and i guess he won. ive spoken too much. if a co-worker is reading this ...


*waves and smiles*

kelli is doing well. we've been doing stuff. she had her interview for the 92nd st. YMCA today, which happens to be the most famous ceramics studio in nyc. and they loved her. i can tell.

so that rocks.

today i played my best game of ms. pac-man ever. and that's saying something, cuz i've been playing it for as long as i can remember, since it came out. i was a big fan of the cartoon.

anyway, today i got to the 8th board on my first guy. Damn. can we say "who's the man?" i neared the 100,000 pts. mark.

and kelli and i watched the Iron Chef today instead of 'shakespeare in the parking lot', which was happening downtown. That guy can cook, i tell you.

what else ...? im eyeing my danish, and salivating over its plastic-wrapped goodness. i have probably written enough ...

oh, yeah! i also finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets today! oh harry, when will you ever cease to capture and titilate my imagination with your bumbling hi-jinks?!

Oh! how could i ever forget? i bought a juicer yesterday, and so far i have engorged my system with 7 carrots, 4 tomatoes, lots of ginger, a pepper, jalopenos, a pear, and 3 apples - in pulp form!



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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