*Rest Easy

old entries

Commonwealth Bricoleurs

Fabulous Manner on YouTube

vcu sculpture
village voice
the onion
VCU Portfolios (including mine)
Tom's cartoons
Andy's music


a certain company that i work for found from a search engine that i mentioned them on-line on a certain diary (hint: this one) and i was visited by a tech guy to give me the grave warning ...

get that off of there or else!

What else?

i bought Madonna tickets, so i could be as cool as my favorite non-friend diarylander, "frueds-fave", who just saw the Immaculate one in Paris recently.

but then i found that i never really bought them, that the online purvayer of said tix never really had them to sell.

so that stinks.

and when people ask me what's up?, i have a little story to tell that connects me to fame.

so happy happy happy to be going home. work is done for a nother night.

to think about it, i have a truly blessed life. i live in new york city, like a king, mind you, and only work about 25 hours a week. and most of those hours are spent dawdling away. i won't go into too much detail about that seeing as how now i might be monitored, ! yes this very diary, from which all things were sacred. by my boss's boss!

oh the terror.

im wearing my great little shirt from utah. they have the best thrift stores out there. they have the best of a lot of things. i must say, i was sold. it is a beautful place full of great people, utah was...

i seem to be the only one writing. logos, kostrub... all quiet

yes, hahaist is still going strong with her quixotic little life's lessons, and they are as helpful as ever.

but every one seems a little tired of diaryland.

well, im not going to let the flame go out

Not yet!



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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