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ahh, diaryland is welcoming me, inviting me to add yet another diary entry. hey do you know what has happened in the last week or so? i mean, aside from kelli moving in to New York. (i'll let her tell you who her new roomate is...) and aside from a ton of other things:

Pappazon is now over a year old. Happy birthday to me...

i was gonna kill off the site at the anniversary. but well, i was going to quit this job too, and that hasn't exactly happened yet.

This sunday upcoming, come hell or high water, i will begin the cross country trek along route 80 from New York City to Salt Lake City. Stops:?

Chicago, fer sure probably,

denver, a possibility,

Lincoln, Nebraska, ya never know...

well i'm just excited because this is a life long dream i'm fullfilling. as worn out and done as an idea like crossing the US is, its still nice and necessary to say that you have done it. that you too have been 'on the road' for a spell, have seen the praries and the small towns, cornfields and vast dusty plains. and the rockies lifting themselves up over the horizon from 100 miles away. i'm such an east coaster. We went to florida when i was young for vacation, or New Jersey maybe. that was the extent of my travels...

At the space i have taken over duties, putting me there every other day or so. Being on a schedule 'makes' me be there, which is great for me, because i can actually relax and not wonder about what to do or where to go. it seems that you can only question your purpose for so long. you can question everything, and sit around and ponder the meaning of why you are walking to the store, or why you are doing your laundry. but after a while, you just have to make a plan and stick to it. engagements, resolutions, promises. So by volunteering at the space, i am making a time where i am counted on by a group of people. these people turn out to be my community. and its important to have a community. or to build one; especially in a place as cruel and heartless as the city can be.

And all of this makes me relax

I was reading in adbusters how the word 'globalization' is kind of thrown around these days a lot. so this is the definition they gave, so we could have a better sense of what we were criticizing/discussing.

Globalization is a plan that allows a corporate entity to act without connections or responsibility to a place or community.

Well, in a way, that's what i feel i've been running into as a problem for myself. For a long time, that i've been trying to avoid a sense of community or responsibility to a location.

that whole, " i'm not american, i'm a citizen of the world' crap can only get you so far.

We have to tighten the reins sometimes, to allow for small communities to grow. Why have 5 entertainers using 'pop' music to entertain the nation, when we can have a 'confederacy' of small towns. and each community can have its own pop sensation rise out of it. its only natural, like leavening bread, or bacteria growth. out of any given group of people, a leader will arise, an artist will arise, a politician, an engineer, etc. So why don't we let the communities grow, in a sort of independent, lo-fidelity sort of way? haven't we learned anything from the punks?

I was also reading here about how Cuba has re-organized its agricultural system into the most impressive non-pesticide,non-industrial organic use of land. This is because the US has been barring trade with them for so long, they've no access to pesticides and modern fertilizer. So what do they do? they go back to basics. Introducing new crops for more variety, government giving out free land for farming purposes (to offset the emergency scarcity of food in the country in general), using time tested values and a simple respect for nature.

and now the production is the best and most varied its ever been in that country. Our ag-scientists are going to Cuba to study how they did it...

Stupid america just damns them for being communists, and you'll never find this story in an american paper, because its unofficially censored from media coverage. Why?

because it would be a major crack in the idealogy of 'western science knows best for your health and your future' mentality.

so my life will be back to basics. Like Cuba. I will live my life with the attitude of simplicity, respect, and love of life. and make an example of my life for others to get the message.



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