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today i woke up to knocks on my studio door. i was in my tighty-whitey underwear, which generally has about a 1/2 of a percent of a chance of ever happening. Maybe less. and i was in my sleeping bag, under my table. The light was shielded slightly by a blind that i had found and hung over the edge of the table. the blind was the kind that you see from the old days, or at least the 70's, a roll - up kind, where you just pull and hope it sticks. the table was a wooden pallet for carrying industrial equipment on a forklift, with wooden scraps added as four legs, roughly measured to the same length. the sleeping bag was a gift from the freestyle family. when i tried to give it back, no one could figure out exactly 'who' in the family owned it, so it stayed with me. and when im not sleeping on it, which is about 3 to 4 days out of the week, lately, then Baby the cat curls up in it.

Baby was already up. There was a second knock on the door. or maybe on the wall. i couldn't tell. i wasn't sure what time it was, since i was a little screwed up with the whole getting to sleep thing. I went to sleep at 6 am, well after the sun had risen.

Maybe it was the landlord knocking. this is always the paranoia when sleeping in the studio. Because basically its just an old warehouse with partitions, and you can get kicked out of your lease if you are found living there.

So i rolled out of the bag, careful not to bang my head on the pallet-table, or the brazen nail or two that hung out - punched through the wood and bent. I pushed the blind aside, seeing the sun pouring at the correct angle from the window to know it was after noon. But how far after noon?

Baby watched as i stumble across in my tighty whiteys and found some clothes to slip into. the same pants from last nite. and a new shirt, that hadn't been worn in at least a few days. there is a second window in the studio that looks out basically into a hallway. and any passerby can look in and see me. and the funny thing is, this movie director who was shooting in there a while back put up this dark paper for his lighting purposes. and the total effect now is that people can see me in my own place, but i can't really see back. its darkness. so i thought about that as i dressed, and went to open the door.

'its yukiko'

ahh. yukiko. excellent timing.

the rest of the story is simply delightful. im too tired to tell just this moment. . .



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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