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Strawberry & Cheese Bearclaws, Drake's (TM) Powdered Donutes, and Schweppes Original Seltzer Water assist me in writing this entry. As the night and the week come to a close.

And so, lets get to business!, Shall We? Here it is -- the Long Island City, Queens Bridge, Art Frenzy Players, part two...

John -- Founder of the Freestyle Family. Recognizable by a FF tattoo on his shoulder, which simultaneously stands for his group, as well as the Fantastic Four -- The heroes from which he takes all aspirations and cues. An acute improvisor and singer, John has a love for community, communal gathering, communication. He is the open hand. Reminds me of a certain frau living in our great midwest that I used to circulate with.

Mark -- co founder, and roomate of John. Just how far back Do these two go? All I know is they both recently shaved their heads together. Aside from being an accomplished guitarist, singer, and beatbox champeen (as seems to be the prerequisite for all Freestyle Fam. members), Mark is an accomplished traveler, and exquisite storyteller. He will likely pull out his handmade journal of his trip through the sahara, and tell of gun smuggling debacles. This is just the beginning of the story...

Ryan -- Friend or Fiend? Man or ape? Beat Hipster or Fool? He is always accompanied by that shaggy hairstyle, pernicious ramblings, and the incessent essence of real "redneck." Ryan is always down for a good old foot stompin' "Jam-boor-ee." Often spotted strolling through the streets and the subways with his guitar, slung around his back with some twine. He is the first to begin banging the seats in the public transportation, in the name of music, and the beat.

Sensitive "He" -- Poeming and the black world of java seem to be all that interests this brooding character. He sits in the shadows, gruffly biding his time until he can read from his books. 'And the coffee flows' is the He's trademark epic poem. Always reminding us that if there is something we like -- not to clap like monkeys, but to snap, as in the tradition of Kerouac or Ginsberg.

Charles -- An older, more experienced zealot of the scene. Is in charge of the Aquisition of the New Space, alongside Kristy (see last entry). Charles is a well of knowledge, book learned as well as experience. He is the Joseph Campbell of the crowd, the story knower, the history explainer, the soothsayer. Tools and weapons expert.

Han -- One of the few who can say he actually is a professional artist. Though he has been at it for a long time. This makes him one of the greybacks in the crowd. Currently working on a commission peice of painting on Rice paper. Han uses modern techniques and aesthetics jointly with classical Korean Painting forms. Chuck Close 'borrowed' his particular style of fragmented painting and excelled with it for 20 years, gaining fame and recognition. Han also has the pool table in his studio.

Pat -- Founder of the Phun Phactory, the largest outdoor aerosol art museum in the world. Pat is the 'Saul of Tarsis' of the Graffiti world. Once working in New York as a plumber, he spearheaded a anti-graffiti cleanup campain for years. Then, in 1993, he had a revelation and opened up a legal space designated solely for taggers and graf. artists. Now, the Phun Phactory is home to 5 floors of artists, and is covered from roof to ground in bright beautiful designs. Pat has received props from such urban banner magazines as 'the Source,' and 'Vibe'. Not bad for a white, middle-aged plumber from Queens.

Greg -- Critics cite his continual affection for women, and speculate if his tendencies to the opposite sex won't interfere with his dedication to his art. Greg shrugs this off. "Can't I have my cake and eat it too?," he asks. Look at Renoir, look at Matisse. Picasso. All lovers of the flesh first and foremost. You can always see this manliest of men satiating his appetite for pleasurable small talk with a host of ladies after hours in the Underground Cafe. The eternal question, What will the night lead to?

Susan -- After freaking out and pouring over all of the Kurusawa films that have been donated to The Space, Susan has been named Coordinator of Video Entertainment. In her spare time she likes to be the neighbor of Kristy, and hang out in Long Island City. That's all I know about her...

Angel #1 -- one of the two security guards named 'Angel' at the building. He has worked there for 10 years, and is glad to see artists come. A good guy.

Angel #2 -- Glad to be here. Its much nicer than his last post in the Bronx. People were bad and scary there. Will talk your ear off. Maybe that's part of his security effort, to entice you to leave. Angel #2 is very interested in folks, and their safety. So its a good job he has, it fits him well.

good nite, and be safe





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