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ok, im a little tipsy. you know what that means, diary landers: diary of the mouth. or in this case, of the hands. whoops, i meant diarrhea. isn't that funny. often i also think of DAIRYland, like its this world of mountains of cheese and cream for your coffee. cows greeting you always with a friendly moo.

yes, so i went out to dinner with scott, his roomate spencer, (who used to work at graham's newstand at Ben 'n Jerrys, in state college - and had this wild story about a whorehouse in bangkok. it involved plexiglass, and the phrase "sit 'n spin". - don't worry, it was just a story he heard, nothing he actually did ...) and scott's girlfriend. she's australian, and we talked about her modeling agency and smoking crack. and emily, trish, and spencers g-friend renee. sh*t its amazing i remember all of those names. im so bad with names - with remembering them.

and it started out a little stuffy, because it was the cub room, and none of us, except for scott who works there, were really used to that level of elegant dining (with the possible exception of his girlfriend jodi). Well, its not like we were country bumpkins or anything, but we were all like. "oh, did you have some of my skate, its simply delicious" and, "did you try some of my rabbit?" scott was describing all of the details, like the fried cale, and lemon sauce. He was the designated wine taster, too. (Whatta guy, gee im so lucky to have him as a friend.)

then things went a little smoother after the entrees, a little more conversational. ahh, every one of course like every weekend nite any where i go, is like "what,? you have to go to work? *now?!" (at midnite). Even the waiter asked me where i worked. by that point i was so tired of explaining it that i just said "up town" and left it at that. i think he thought i was rude, and he was a bit miffed -- "oh, up Town... i never go up there..." like oh you may be friends of the restaurant cook, but your still not worthy of this table space. Well, maybe i exaggerate a bit.

hmmm, if i were more like Gentry (from Freuds-Fave fame) i would go on and on about the elegance of the whole experience, and the wildly entertaining intricacies of the people at the table. Well, yes it was elegant, and i enjoyed it, and the people were all interesting. Very nicely dressed. it was so good.

(but guess what, money doesn't make you an interesting person!)

oh and by the way, just to let you know, most of my day was incredibly boring and limited to nintendo game boy playing. I've got 5 or 6 badges (i can't even remember) on Pokemon. Thanks Nate!!

love to my peeps! d



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