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last time i was home, i packed up and made calls and got ready for this big weekend. then i went to meet up with jason, to celebrate his dame emily's retirement from the dumb job; only to find she had fallen a bit under the weather, (right as her health insurance ends . . .) with the return of the Mysterious sickness.

so jason and i ate at a stupid diner with a huge ceiling and poorly crafted tables around 34th street. i had a burger delux. He had a house salad.

then we went to his place for a bit where i played Crash 3 on the play-station instead of watching any kind of movie. particularly "Bonnie and Clyde" from the 60's.

and only too soon was i off to work, whisked from sick emily and friend jason, who were all too happy to see me leave so they could get their sleep on.

work was dull and arduous. and although i am friends with my one co-worker on friday nites, she was just a little too domineering with her R and B selections throughout the nite. as if i didn't have better things to do than slowly grow more and more agitated by perpetual snazzy snare beats and rimshots and slicksters crooning over it. too much style, and absolutely no essence. music like this disturbs my ears and my peace of mind. (just like present day pop country, or proto- retro, rehashed grunge rock n roll radio crap).

and i left in a passive-aggressive fit, after giving her the silent treatment and then turning off her music the moment she left the cubicle for a second.

(and this only minutes after she asked me, quite honest-like: "do you ever get mad?" -- my response. "oh yeah. all the time. i get pissed off every now and then" , "really?, cuz i could never see you really mad. i mean Really piping mad" she made a face, to display how most other people skewed their features with emotion during times of frustration.)

so i left that situation, and went back to jason and emily's. after sleeping for an hour in the corporate company kitchen. after listening and nodding to 'super-duper-visor' Wai-Man talk about how many drinks and girls were his last nite. and planning my escape, from his banter. He's the kind of guy who has nick-names for all of his favorite drinks. short cuts. 'SoCo' (which reminds me of SoHo) is short for Southern Comfort. duh. and on and on. i really don't want to hear it.

then i crash in on jason and emily's morning. and now they're playing the station game. and i quickly get the bed cuz i m oh so tired, and can we please watch pokemon? and Digimon? They have no chance to argue. im quickly humming along to the theme songs. naming all my favorite characters. explaining the show to them. (sure they don't care, tho).

and then its off to the races. we pack up and go to meet Vinod Rajukamar and friend in new jersey. its the best of times. im stone dead from lack of sleep. so the car ride is fun for me somehow. not as much for the others, when we decide we are lost and an hour out of our way. So then we retrace, head due east, get a little more lost... and find Sandy Hook a good two hours later.

Before we hit the beach though, there are all kinds of indecisions to be made, concerning what to get to eat. its a picnic, all of a sudden. and we stop at foodworld. no, shop rite. and have a beautious time walking around the air conditions and get swiss cheese, monteray jack, bread, avocado, towel for emily, donuts, and who knows what else. then we are at the beach. it is lovely. it feels like we are a family , on a family trip. there is structure.

i jump into the waves like an imbecile, and the girls (sasha and emily) follow. it is great to swim and use the muscles.

somehow i get through the day without sleeping much and am now at work again (240 am, sunday morning). fretting over some problems here. i am drunk from sleep-deprivation. i missed a party at heather darcy's to house-warm it. but yeah well, we had lobster instead at a crazy beach house called "In the Hook" or some such stupidity.

many thanks to vinod and the rest for the day wonderfa.



9/11 Mysteries
Improbable Collapse

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